Sunday 20 October 2013

'Simple spotless skin rapid action spot zapper'review

Hello there my little Cinnabuns! Today I'm going to be reviewing the 'Simple spotless skin rapid action spot zapper' for all you lovely people.

As we all know, spots are a right pain in the cinnabun (see what I did there? Now that's punny!) and I have yet to find a spot cream that I really like, so over the next few months I'm going to be testing out different skin care products, seeing how well they work and how they compare to others on the market.

I had been recommended this product by one of my closest friends who swears by this product, so I decided to try it myself. The first thing I noticed about this cream is that it has a very unique and attractive packaging,appearing slightly professional but also quite fun and zainy.
The second thing I noticed was the price. At boots it is currently being sold at    £5.49 and for us 'normal people' (you know, the type who wear the same outfit more than once a week? SHOCKER) this is quite pricey especially for a mere 15 ML tube.

What makes this product unique from the others on the market is it's applicator. Instead of a nozzle it has a metal ball on the end in which you roll over your spots ( almost like a roll on anti perspirant for your face..)
now, I do like this technique because of how much more precise it is. It also avoids that annoying spillage you get when squeezing to hard. However, I must question how sanitary this is. It reminds me of that foundation you can get where it has a brush instead of a pump? And you either shake or twist and it deposits the foundation onto the brush (

But on a serious note, wouldn't this spread bacteria all over your face? I recommend washing it in some way before EVERY application.

Right, onto the important stuff! Does it actually work? According to Simple it 'zaps spots in just 4 hrs' 

Now, I'm not going to completely agree with this claim,as it does not always 'zap' the spot in just four hours and as we all know it depends on the type of spot and your skin type;however, in my case,it has gotten rid of the majority of my small spots in four hours or under, and others have been visably reduced. 

Overall I think this is a very effective product, with a unique easy to use applicator( which you should also be wary of) and if you can afford to do so, try out this product and see how well it works for you. Otherwise, my advice is to try a cheaper brand such as the 'Neutrogena visibly clear rapid clear treatment' which in my opinion works slightly better but only costs £4.99. Overall I give this product 3/5.

Let me know if there's anything you would like me to review next, and ask me any questions and I'll try to reply as soon as possible!

Until next time Cinnabuns!

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